Monday, March 29, 2010

Passover Memories 30Mar2010

Ahh Passover. Such fond memories of smiling around the table with all of my colorful and happy relatives of my mother's side in Southern California. Everyone was always happy to be there, to eat delicious turkey and fatty food, matza ball soup, matza with butter or margarine, chopped-up apple-nut and cinnamon charoset, hearty bread, red wine, soda... Even when some people had rougher years, we all ended up having a great time, a delightful occasion when Aunt Elizabeth stormed around her kitchen as a woman possessed on a mission, sometimes supplemented by my mother, all too eager to assist with the monumental task of dishing out plate after plate of food to over a dozen hungry and welcoming family members.

It's 01:25, and this post will be revised and expanded. There's so much more.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

02:27 21 March 2010

I have arrived at the fully at the realization that I despise the state of Virginia. If Maryland is more of the same, than so be it. I will never return here, save for the utilities of either attending meetings, conferences, or training. I thoroughly despise this place, it's shitty roads, it's state police force and their Nazi-esque view of speeding, it's obese people, and the general lack of any culture or appeal, save for the historical significance of particular locations. Live long, and prosper, Eastern seaboard, but I will not be part of it.

20 March 2010

Stay up too late playing a video game on my computer the night of the 19th through the morning of the 20th. Push on through the fatigue, and go to the shooting range with Mac and Wiggs. Show on up, nobody's there. Stick around, and Carlo shows up, and the event is on. We all have a spectacular time, shooting and running around the inside of a concrete bay full of paper and steel targets, running through everything three times and then some before the morning is finished. After finishing up and running over to the MCX, we come back and pick up the heffer and Rick, and roll of to Ruby Tuesday's. We eat our food and enjoy our time, and that's all there was to that.

We come back. I use the restroom, return to my bed, and take a nap. During the nap, I dream that I shoot someone at close range, in my apartment. WTF!?!?! It's such an awesome day! Damnit! Where did this come from? Why'd this have to happen? Such crap. I'm pretty far from being comfortable with this. If I was in a combat zone, say Iraq or Afghanistan, than jeez, fine, I'd be a whole lot more comfortable with that. The last thing anyone in the states wants is legal entanglement. What a speed-bump in my day. Ahh well. More soothing things to follow.