Sunday, October 4, 2009

Smart Weapons.

*Sitting there with my 45 on my lap. I chamber a round. I rack the slide and watch the hollow-point land on my bed. Again. Again. I do this until the weapon is empty, and I'm holding the H&K USP in my hand with the slide back, innards showing.

"My wife died five months ago."
"Wait, what?"
"my wife died five months ago. Yeah, she died of an embolism in her brain. Her brain filled with blood and she died in my arms before the paramedics could arrive."
(Unholy fucking shit!)
"Shit.... that's terrible..."

I know you're out there Gerry. I know you're a warrior, a policeman and hero to the core of your being. I know you've seen much death and despair and misery throughout your time. You are one of the best men I've ever met, and your service to God, country, and community are beyond comparison to that of mortal men.

*Sighting the three white dots together, my brain flashes to the range, and how accurate the USP was. Turning the weapon to the side, I narrow my eyes in careful inspection of the crisp lines and dark, handsome features of the hand gun.

He counseled DJ on K's alleged rape:
"My first question to her would be" why haven't you gone to the hospital yet? If she goes to the hospital, they'll take her and start collecting evidence immediately."

On Aisha's shooting:
"All the women shoot bullseyes and then they start to gravitate lower; they think 'yeah, I'm not gonna kill him, I'm gonna hurt him for life!'"
(We all chuckle)

On Aisha's attitude:
"what's with the defeatist attitude with this one? Sailors, sheesh, I tell ya..." (he says with a grin and twinkle in his eye)

Turning the hollow point round over in my hand, feeling the hexagonally-shaped head of the round, my mind flashes statistics and scientifically recorded information. Free of the sterile environment of magazines, laboratories and over-exaggerating gun nuts, the weapon and ammunition become real. Here I am, 29, and now, finally, it's all real.

It is my humble opinion, that there will never be enough Gerry's in this world, and that we, the American people, or any other people for the matter, will always want someone as giving and ever-loving as he. He is a man that emanates hope, patriotic chauvinism, and love for his fellow man. God bless you, Gerry.