Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So here I am, sitting in front of my computer after a day's work and effort. Waking at 6, getting to work and diligently searching and hammering away on a computer. There was no PT this morning, nor was DJ off in time to join me after work. Come to think of it, he hasn't yet sent me a text or a missed call in response.
I could've pursued so many different paths in life, as so many other people have probably thought at one time or another (though perhaps less than you or I think). I was always attracted to the military, and yet I couldn't tear myself away from my fascination of it; the giving of self to the higher ideals of preservation of society and our current and future ways of life, international travel (hopefully) for professional reasons, and the hopes of doing something truly worth remembering - if not utterly historically significant.
I could have pursued my fascination with firearms and gone into metallurgy and weapons research, or taken that same love of materials and man-made machinations and gone into the aerospace industry.
I can still go into international relations at a higher level, at some point earning my masters in IR and doing something more with myself with respect to the State Department or something of the like later on. I do love computers, and, Lord willing, I will stay in or around the field for some time longer.
I can still transition, and go into the business field, somehow, someway. Perhaps I can ripen my chances with an MBA? Eh, I dunno. I get a warmer fuzzy from the previous short paragraph.

I think it's good that I can recount my strengths, seeing as how weaknesses and reasons to dislike, despise, and doubt myself can seem more plentiful than the positive aspects against them. I'm 29, and though I could be much better of than I am right now, well, hmmm. I don't think I can really see myself any worse off. Damnit. Without a degree? Without a job? Without a clean legal record? Without my mind, myself, or any honor at all? Well there I go, combating the bad with the good again. Perhaps I've won this time? It's good that I have options for the future.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cityscape Entry 2

Random Terms of Ass-kickery

4.curb stomp