Friday, August 21, 2009

21 August 09

Oh Caitlin

One fateful night my freshman year at USC, I went for a bike ride to visit my buddy from calc class at the nearby eatery he was working at, just across the street from campus. As I was heading down the street, I suddenly noticed there was police tape along the road, prompty followed by some round and surly LAPD officer telling me to get on to the sidewalk. I did, and as I arrived to the little diner, I noticed an ambulance on the other side of the road, on USC campus. And then I saw the two paramedics. And then I saw the body of a kid, no more than 17, being placed into a body bag. He landed on the paved ramp leading out from the four story parking garage, apparently, to prove that he loved his girlfriend more than life itself, and that without her, this world wasn't worth it.
Aren't we brave in our youth?

(It was the Fall of 2000. And so began my time at USC.)

We are all brave. We all love life (well, most of us).

I went and talked to a first class of mine, a PO1 B. B worked the digital analyst mission out in the green zone in that other sand box in the Middle East for Spec War operators. All that aside, ramp detail, as he laid it out, was a fact of life, and something that didn't change. It didn't end, and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it, outside of performing his mission as best he could.

This is one of those intense experiences. Learn from it what you can, and do you job. Please keep that bright smile shining onward. Write your thoughts down, please exercise, and keep your mind moving; it is your best friend, though I know it can also be your worst enemy. You are so strong and wonderful. Just know that life is a wonderful thing, and that the freedom in this nation is equally as beautiful, and that you are there, and their sacrifices are in the name of keeping it all intact. There are indeed great evils in this world, and Lord knows these boys and young men are fighting against those who would do worse to us if they had the chance. Stay strong and wonderful Caitlin; it's who you are. You are gaining wisdom and experience, and remember to breathe.

I just watched Wall-E tonight, the Disney movie. Afterwards, I went out and looked at the stars. I'm such a softy.