Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blue to Green? Or over the The Dark Side?

So here I am in the Navy. With the exception of the Navy SEALs and their supporting elements, I was never really all that interested in the Navy to begin with, aside from my father's brief involvement with it all during Vietnam.

I once met a former Marine scout/sniper that I had religion class with at USC. Jesse had the "Hunter of Gunmen" tooth (the HOG's tooth, a .308 caliber round with a length of cord through it) around his neck, an easy manner, and a handshake softer than befitting a young man of such "manly" accomplishments (undoubtably arosing from his supreme conifdence). He scored a 13XX on his SATs, back when getting a 1600 was a perfect score. He didn't stick with the Marine Corps, however. No no, he went to the Army, because the Marines simply didn't have the funding, nor did they have the schools.

There was a Staff Sargeant from the 10th Mountain Division on recruiting duty back home. He made the rank of Sargeant in the USMC before he transferring services, for basically the same reasons. In the Marines, in order to progress in rank in the enlisted community, you had to fill some billets before progressing onwards. Unfortunately for him, and perhaps for many other mid-grade enlisted folks, his upward progression was stifled by dozens of career-hungry Gunnys and so on who had taken up all the juicy wanted billets. In the Army, no such obstacles.

The 1stLt with my unit right now was a former amphib recon corpsman with a USMC radio recon battalion. He crossed over to "the Dark Side" and is infinitely glad he did so.

For the big picture:
Marines going to the Army because the USMC doesn't have enough to keep them.

The Marines now throwing around $30,000 to keep it's enlisted personnel, and to try to gain back those who've left.

A Sailor who spent his time with Marines, who never looked around at his other options, who 's now a Marine Officer.

I wanna do interesting stuff. The Army has it's whole massive host of special forces and special operations units and missions to be a part of, plus a massive amount of funding. Yeah, the Marines have their whole recon bag, and now they have MARSOC and such, though that's an absurdly small community within the already few and the proud, and hurting for money. The downside is, yeah, the Army needs soldiers. Really badly. The Marines do too, just not as badly.

I just wanna be somewhere special, where I can be recognized as someone able to do special things. But who doesn't, right?

I'm not giving up anything until I get what I want, come what may.